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Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki - Lost War Chronicles

Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki - Lost War Chronicles

Gundam: Lost War Chronicles / Kidou Senshi Gundam Report: Lost War Chronicles / Mobile Suit Gundam - Lost War Chronicles / Mobile Suit Gundam Report: Lost War Chronicles / Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles / 機動戦士ガンダム戦記 Lost War Chronicles
chiba tomohiro / tomino yoshiyuki / yatate hajime / natsumoto masato
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Starbiter Satsuki

🇮🇹Starbiter Satsuki

Hoshigami no Satsuki / 星咬の皐月
mashima hiro
Chapter 0
Beach Stars

Beach Stars

ビーチ スターズ / The Beach Stars / 沙滩之星
morio masahiro
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Slice of Life,Sports
Volume 7 Chapter 68
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology passion

THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology passion

アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ コミックアンソロジー passion / The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology passion
bandai namco games / hanatsuka shiori / hoppege / kongari pasta / ohara hiroki / okamoto / reiichi / rodney / takano ui
Comedy,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de

Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de

君が主で執事が俺で / 你是主人我是仆 / They are My Noble Masters / You are My Master, and so I am Your Steward / You are My Masters, so I am Your Butler / You are My Masters; I am Your Servant
minato soft / kou hamao / shironeko sanbou
Volume 1 Chapter 2
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Cheers! (Doujinshi)

THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Cheers! (Doujinshi)

THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls dj - Cheers! / THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls dj - Cheers! / The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls dj - Cheers! / The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls dj - Cheers! (circle) / hiroki.o
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Fairy Tail Zero

Fairy Tail Zero

mashima hiro
Chapter 13
Lesbian-teki Kekkon Seikatsu

Lesbian-teki Kekkon Seikatsu

女どうしで子どもを産むことにしました / Onna Doushi de Kodomo wo Umu Koto ni Shimashita / Onna Doushi de Kodomo wo Umukoto ni Shimashita / Our Journey to Lesbian Motherhood
higashi koyuki / masuhara hiroko / sugiyama emiko
Chapter 13
Kimi ga Waratta

🇪🇸Kimi ga Waratta

君が笑った / 伊的微笑 / Your Smile
mashiba hiromi
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 1
Assemble! Mysterious Research Club

Assemble! Mysterious Research Club

あつまれ!ふしぎ研究部 / Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu / Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyuubu / 聚集!不可思議研究部 / 聚集!不可思议研究部 / 모여라! 불가사의 연구부
anbe masahiro / atsumare! fushigi kenkyu-bu 195
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 365


あきそら / 秋日天空 / 秋色之空 / Aki Sora / Akisora
itosugi masahiro
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Drama,Gender Bender,Harem,Romance,School Life
Volume 6 Chapter 4
Boku-tachi ga Yarimashita

Boku-tachi ga Yarimashita

僕たちがやりました / Bokutachi ga Yarimashita / We Did It
kaneshiro muneyuki / araki hikaru
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 87
Kimi ni Furetara

🇪🇸Kimi ni Furetara

君に触れたら。 / 雪白情人节 / If I Touch You / If You Touch Me / Masshiro Valentine
wata nobu
Shoujo(G),Smut,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Tennen Kakutou Shoujo Chihiro-chan

Tennen Kakutou Shoujo Chihiro-chan

morio masahiro
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life,Sports
Volume 2 Chapter 12
Double Bullet

Double Bullet

hirakata masahiro
Chapter 0
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

🇷🇺Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

からかい上手の高木さん / Kızdırma Ustası Takagi-san / Master Usil Takagi-san / Teasing Master Takagi-san / 擅长捉弄的高木同学
yamamoto souichirou
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 4 Chapter 32
Malicious Code

Malicious Code

マリシャスコード / 邪恶代号
ikeno masahiro / yakou hana
Chapter 8
Goshujin-sama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Meru

🇷🇺Goshujin-sama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Meru

ご主人様とわたし/ 主人与我 / Goshujin-sama to Watashi (Hachishiro) / My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel / Хозяйка и я
itou hachi
Comedy,Fantasy,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Best Blue

🇫🇷Best Blue

ベストブルー / Mejor Azul
hirakata masahiro
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Karate Apocalypse

Karate Apocalypse

カラテ黙示録 / Karate Mokushiroku
masahiko takajo / ochiai ataru
Seinen(M),Action,Martial Arts
Volume 1 Chapter 6


ましまえん / Cocona / Rave World
mashima hiro
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 4


ユンボル / ユンボル‐JUMBOR‐荒野の床暖房 / 重机人间Jumbor / Yumbor / Yunbor
mikami hiromasa / takei hiroyuki
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Fairy Megane

Fairy Megane

Fairy + Glass / Fairy Glasses / Fairy+メガネ
yoshikawa miki / mashima hiro
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
I Found Another Kitten

I Found Another Kitten

子猫また拾いました / Ich fand noch ein Kätzchen / 아기고양이 또 주웠습니다 / Koneko Mata Hiroimashita / Я подобрал котенка. Сиквел
Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life
Chapter 3
Mashiroiro Symphony

Mashiroiro Symphony

ましろ色シンフォニー / Mashiro Iro Symphony / Mashiro-iro Symphony
minazuki futago / palette
Chapter 6
Hanshin Tigers 80th Anniversary Special

🇮🇹Hanshin Tigers 80th Anniversary Special

ビッグコミックオリジナル 阪神タイガース創設80周年記念
hayashida q. / takahashi rumiko / takai kenichirou / koji joukura / nakahara yuu / matsuda naoko / sasou akira / hori nobuyuki / takahashi tsutomu / takahashi noboru / shiriagari kotobuki / tsunomaru / yamaaki douton / kikuni masahiko / oshikawa untarou / matsui shinsuke / mizuguchi naoki / watanabe yasuhiro / nakayama ramada / samukawa kazuyuki / kumichou
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Ane no Onaka wo Fukuramaseru no wa Boku

🇪🇸Ane no Onaka wo Fukuramaseru no wa Boku

姐姐的肚子由我来搞大 / 姉のおなかをふくらませるのは僕 / It's Up to Me to Fill my Sister's Stomach
sakai onta / onda chiro
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Cooking,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Ghost Hound: Another side

Ghost Hound: Another side

神霊狩 / 神霊狩 ANOTHER SIDE / 神霊狩 ANOTHER SIDE / Ghost Hound: Another Side
production i.g / shirow masamune / asahi kanata
Chapter 2
Nanika Mochigatte Masuka

Nanika Mochigatte Masuka

なにかもちがってますか / 有什么措了吗 / 有木有搞错 / Nanika Mochigatte masu ka / Nanika Mochigatte Masuka
kitoh mohiro
School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Chapter 30
Neko Hiroimashita

Neko Hiroimashita

ネコ拾いました / I Picked Up a Cat
yonesawa kinako
Chapter 2.1
Akai Kiba

Akai Kiba

Akai Kiba: Blue Sonnet / Blue Sonnet / Crimson Fang / Crimson Fang: Blue Sonnet / 紅い牙 ブルーソネット / Red Fang / Red Fang: Blue Sonnet / Красный клык / Красный клык: Синеглазая Соннет / Синеглазая Соннет
shibata masahiro
Volume 1 Chapter 15
Blue Cat Happy

Blue Cat Happy

Blue Cat Happy Special
mashima hiro
Chapter 1
Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail
mashima, hiro (story & art) / mashima hiro
Chapter 545
Fairy Megane

🇫🇷Fairy Megane

mashima hiro / yoshikawa miki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Neo Devilman

Neo Devilman

ネオデビルマン / Neo-Devilman
egawa tatsuya / hagiwara reiji / hiromoto sinichi / ishikawa ken / iwaaki hitoshi / kanzaki masaomi / kaze shinobu / kuroda iou / miyama noboru / nagai go / nagano noriko / otomo katsuhiro / tajima sho u / terada katsuya / tori miki / yasuhiko yoshikazu / yumeno kazuko
Chapter 7
Nishikaze to Taiyou

Nishikaze to Taiyou

Nishikaze to Taiyou: Zephyr and Sol
mashima hiro
Chapter 1