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Babel 2-Sei
バビル2世 / バビル2世 ヨミの復活の巻 / Babel 2 / Babel 2 Sei / Babel 2 Sei: Yomi no Fukkatsu no Maki / Babel 2: Yomi no Fukkatsu no Maki / Babel II / Babel Nisei / Babel Nisei: Yomi no Fukkatsu no Maki
yokoyama mitsuteru / babel 2-sei 60
Chousuinou Kei - Makafushigi Jiken File
超推脳 KEI / 超推脳 KEI~摩訶不思議事件ファイル~ / Choosuino Kei / Chou Suinou Kei / Chousuinou Kei
gomi kazuo / mizuno mitsuhiro / tanaka yoshiki
Neither A Long nor Short Walk
Neither A Long nor Short Walk
go ara
Josei(W),Drama,Mystery,Slice of Life
GA-REI - Tsuina no Shou
喰霊 ~追儺の章~ / The Soul Eater Cursed Girl [GA-REI]
segawa hajime
Akame ga KILL! Zero
Akame ga Kiru! Zero
takahiro / toru kei
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Hogehoge Taigei-chan (Doujinshi)
Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Hogehoge Taigei-chan / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Hogehoge Taigei-chan ni
akari ryuryuu
Knights of Sidonia
Knights of Cydonia / Cydonia no Kishi / Sidonia no Kishi
nihei, tsutomu (story & art)
🇪🇸Ga-Rei toka MHP2G toka no Hon.
Ga-Rei, MHP2G. etc. book
apricot plus (circle) / aoki ume
Dragon Ball Side Story: Yamcha Isekai
ドラゴンボール外伝 転生したらヤムチャだった件 / Dragon Ball Gaiden / Dragon Ball Gaiden: Tensei-shitara Yamcha Datta Ken / Dragon Ball Side Story - Reborn as Yamcha / Reborn as Yamcha
dragon garow lee
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Drei!
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ ドライ!! / Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA 3rei!! / Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Dorai! / Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Dorai!! / Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Drei!!
type-moon / hiroyama hiroshi / fate/kaleid liner prisma illya drei! 60
Sensei, Kiite yo
先生、聞いてよ / 老师 / 好好地听哟 / 老師,聽我說嘛! / Sensei / Kiiteyo / Listen Up / Yo / Yo Sensei
makita nao
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life