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How Four Negative Skills = Unrivaled Synergy «Official»
マイナススキル持ち四人が集まったら、なんかシナジー発揮して最強パーティーができた件 / Minus Skill-mochi Yonin ga Atsumattara, Nanka Synergy Hakki Shite Saikyou Party ga Dekita Ken / Minus Skill: The Story of Four Nuisances That Once Gathered Together, Manifested a Synergy That Created the Strongest Party. / The Chronicles of the Misfit Quartet and Their Unrivaled Synergy
Kiichi Kosuzu / Taihei Hiromi
The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World [Official]
最強陰陽師の異世界転生記 ~下僕の妖怪どもに比べてモンスターが弱すぎるんだが~ / Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki: Geboku no Youkaidomo ni Kurabete Monster ga Yowai Sugirundaga / The Reincarnation of the Strongest Onmyoji: These Monsters Are Too Weak Compared to My Youkai
Kiichi Kosuzu / Toshinori Okazaki